Organizational consulting

Especially in economically challenging and uncertain times, conflicts and disagreements about decisions, processes, and workflows within organizations are not uncommon. While they can never be completely avoided, they can often be significantly reduced by adapting responsibilities, decision-making processes, and communication structures to meet demanding economic requirements. I am happy to support you!

My approach includes a concise root cause analysis, followed by low-threshold change impulses and a review of whether the changes have achieved the desired outcome.
My approach involves leaders and concerned employees throughout the entire counselling process.

Coaching and supervision of transformation processes

Every change process poses a challenge for the employees and managers involved: this applies to the introduction of new collaboration models, even more so to a change in the organizational structure, but also to a new team composition - be it that one manager leaves and another joins, or one expert in the team is replaced by another.

At this point, the people involved often need individual coaching. By developing their own strategies during coaching, most people are able to adapt better and faster to the new situation.

I accompany both your leaders and their team members through one-on-one and team coaching on their path to change. All coaching sessions are conducted based on systemic principles.

Facilitation and support of workshops

Do you want to create room for your employees to contribute all of their know-how and experience?

I assist you in facilitating your workshop using the formats Open Space Conference, World Café, Design Thinking or Value Proposition Design.

If you would like to give your team the opportunity to strengthen their identity, I offer optional 'purpose' and strength tournaments as well as values, roles or responsibility workshops.

Trainings and seminars

Do you want to train and coach your employees? I can help you with the following seminars:

Anything missing? Please do not hesitate to contact me. I am continuously expanding my range of training courses.


You want to increase awareness among your leaders or teams that innovation is necessary?

Book a keynote speech with me. Examples are

  • Enhancing innovation capability  
  • Why customer-centric work pays off
  • Making decisions even under uncertainty
  • Why we should allow conflicts  
  • Rethinking teamwork 

Andrea SchmittInnovationstrainerinAm Mittelpfad 24aD 65520 Bad Camberg+49 64 34-905 997+49 175 5196446
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