15.9.2025: Webinar: A Different Perspective on Organizations - free of charge
When we think of organizations, most of us envision an organizational chart - consisting of hierarchies with boxes representing leaders and their assigned team members. That’s one perspective on organizations. The other is the question of why? Why were the boxes and hierarchies formed this way? What purpose do they serve?
One possible or should-be answer is: they regulate who is allowed to make decisions and how these decisions are communicated within the organization. However, sometimes organizational charts have grown historically and no longer serve the best process for decision-making. So, what then?
We want to explore these and other thoughts in this free webinar. There will be fewer ready-made or clear-cut answers, but rather I want to initiate thought processes that will be enriched by the exchange between the participants. Will you be joining us?
Date: Monday, September 15, 2025, from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Free of charge
Location: Remote/digital using Zoom (video conference)
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