24.3.2023: One-day Seminar: Help for self-help: Shaping my (working) environment myself
Quote Ruth Cohn: “I am neither all-powerful nor powerless. I am partially powerful.”
This seminar gives you the courage not to feel powerless and to take a fresh look at the things that disturb you, slow you down or make you unhappy. No, there will be no magic in this seminar. Simply by applying basic systemic principles, you will succeed in looking at situations differently and recognising what your own possibilities for action are. In this way, we can shape our (working) environment ourselves, even if it does not seem possible due to framework conditions or other constraints.
We will learn:
- that very similar system principles apply in schools, companies & organisations, teams and families
- how we influence how our counterpart behaves through our own behaviour
- and that by changing our behaviour we can also change the behaviour of our counterpart.
- that appropriate communication makes the unexpected possible
- where our limits lie
- and much more
Have I sparked your interest? Then I look forward to your registration!
As always, it will be a very interactive workshop.
Target group: People who want to increase their self-efficacy
Date: Friday, 24.3.2023 from 9:30 am to 5 pm
Price: 349 Euro plus VAT (seminar catering is included in the workshop price)
Location: I would like to continue my tradition from before Corona times and offer a seminar once a year at my favourite place, Gnadenthal Monastery. Gnadenthal is a former Cistercian convent with a chequered history. Today, the small village in the Taunus region houses the centre of the Jesus-Brotherhood. About 80 people live and work here in various businesses and in looking after its guests. Hof-Gnadenthal, Äbtissinnen-Haus, 65597 Hünfelden
This year's theme arises from my upcoming completion of my two-year training as a systemic coach and team developer at the isb in Wiesloch.
Binding registration
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