In March this year, I started a two-year training course for systemic coaching at the isb (Institute for Systemic Professionalism and Consulting) in Wiesloch, Germany. Systemic perspectives can be found in both agile methods and the approach of shared leadership. Accordingly, this course represents the perfect fit to those topics that I have long since been working on.
During this seminar, my colleague Vanessa and I, together with five very eager-to-learn and open-minded participants, addressed the topic of team development. Together, we worked out that teams that we expect to deliver good work need a corresponding enabling framework.
I held this half-day webinar in cooperation with my colleague Dr. Vanessa Giese. Together with 7 participants from very different industries, we had a very lively webinar. In just 4 hours, we worked out practical tips and formats as to how meetings can be designed in a targeted and efficient manner and how the participants can derive added value from such meetings.
For the first time, I attended the Agile Forum. In a very tightly scheduled program, 3 open space rounds, each time with 6 parallel sessions, were held in just 4 hours. Topics that were discussed even included ‘Sustainability in organizational development’ and ‘What kind of new training professions will agile organizations need in the future’. It was a very inspiring morning session which, despite the digital distance, managed to create a great sense of togetherness.
This quick half-day introduction to the topic of collegial or distributed/shared leadership was attended by a small group of managing directors. First, we talked about a change in attitude that both managers and employees must display in order to make self-organization successful. Furthermore, I introduced tools and methods such as the delegation board, team decision procedures, and communication in companies based on collegial leadership.
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